Family Night - Wednesday May 31
This Wednesday is Family Night! Bring your favorite casserole, side dish or dessert. We love getting together as a family and enjoying...

Unquenchable Love
God has an unquenchable love for you. You can't hide from it. You can't run from it. It's with you every day of your life, whether you...

Cornerstone Military Memorial "Groundbreaking Ceremony" - May 29
Join us on Memorial Day - Monday, May 29 at 10:30am as we celebrate the groundbreaking of Cornerstone Military Memorial. This project has...

Keys To Increasing Favor
As God's child, you have have His favor on your life and you should come to expect it everywhere you go. As your relationship with Him...

Formal Dedication of Cornerstone Community Center - Sunday May 21
Join us this Sunday, May 21 from 1-3pm as we celebrate the grand opening and formal dedication of Cornerstone Community Center. We are so...

Senior Celebration - Sunday May 21
We will be celebrating our high school class of 2017 graduates from Christian Missions this week! Join with us as we honor these students...

Women of Fire - Wednesday May 17
Attention Ladies! Our monthly fellowship is here! Join us this Wednesday for Women of Fire! Bring your favorite casserole, side-dish or...

Tiger Challenge 2017
It's that time again! Tiger Challenge is this Thursday and Friday, May 11 & 12. This is one of the largest youth outreach events we...

Deliverance Angels
A few weeks back, I was praying in the shower like I often do, and I began to call down Deliverance Angels from heaven. Up until that...

Annual Fish Fry - Sunday, May 7
There's nothing quite like fried catfish! Join us this Sunday for our Annual Fish Fry, as soon as the morning service is concluded. Big...