
Doing Life Together.
Life Groups are how we do ministry. They are a great way to build life-giving relationships, to find freedom and to use your gifts. This helps a growing church maintain community. You’ll grow in community through encouragement, Scripture, and prayer. Groups are also a great place to discover the next step you need to take in your spiritual journey.
Super-Series: We "Is" The Church – Registration February 1-28
Groups begin the week of March 1.
Super-Series groups meet and study the same curriculum. This is an opportunity for unity to increase within our church and where your faith will be strengthened. You will have the opportunity to discover the foundations of faith, and what it looks like to stand firmly on Scripture! Groups will run for 6 weeks and conclude with our "Unity Night". This is an easy next step for new group leaders and people who have never joined a group before.
Foundations is a 6-week group created to equip you to understand the foundations of your faith. The leaders of these groups have a passion to help you find answers to your questions, discover how your faith impacts every area of your life, and what it looks like to walk with Jesus daily. This group will empower you no matter where you are at in your walk with Christ!
At the end of the 6 weeks series, we bring all our groups together for a night of worship, testimony and celebration.