National Day of Prayer - Thursday, May 4

Join us Thursday, May 4 at Main Street Bistro for the National Day of Prayer at noon.
Members of our community will join together with thousands around the country to join hands and hearts as we pray for America. If you aren't able to attend, join with us in spirit. We must come together as the Body of Christ and get in agreement with God's Word. We must pray for our President and our Nation's leaders, as well as our local leaders. Pray for our Pastors, our families, and our friends. Pray for those currently serving in the armed forced, abroad and stateside. Pray for Israel and for peace in the middle East. Pray however the Lord may lead you.
We are living in tumultuous times, but we know that God is still in control and that we are under His protection and guidance. Do not be afraid, but rather be BOLD and lift up your prayers to the creator of the universe, the Lord God Almighty! Amen.
The National Day of Prayer will begin at noon.
Main Street Bistro
119 S. Main Street
Jacksboro, TX 76458