A Letter From Pastor Eugene

During this season of celebration and time with family, I can’t help but be especially thankful this year. God’s glory has proven time and again to be inexplicably and undeniably present in 2018.
We were able to build and dedicate Cornerstone Military Memorial to honor the brave service men & women of Jack County. Sadie and I fulfilled a lifelong dream of experiencing Israel with our boys, for the first time. It’s also been a joy to see our sons taking ownership and stepping into their callings like never before. We welcomed two daughters into our family this year, and now Sadie & I are looking forward to having our first grandchild in 2019!
God’s glory has also been present throughout the last few weeks, while dealing with my recent surgery. Your continued prayers and support are humbling, welcomed and appreciated.
As the new year is fast approaching, don’t forget to take time and reflect on what God has brought you through and the fulfillment of His promises laid before you. When you seek the Kingdom first and surrender to His design, there is no sorrow added, only joy! We are closing in on the last few days of our 40 Days of Declarations and Decrees. Continue to stand in faith with us, believing that 2019 will be your best year yet!
Thank you again for being a part of our family and our team. You are vital to what God is doing in and through our church and this community. We are so excited to see what God will continue to do in the years to come.
I pray that you and yours have had a wonderful Christmas
and a blessed New Year.
- Eugene