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Get back to basics. This Super-Series explores topics that are all foundational principals of faith. Find out what we believe and why.


In today’s culture, there is a push to make truth objective, eliminating “absolute truth”.As believers, we know that the Word of God will never return void, and that scripture is alive and actively working when we apply it to our lives. Week 1 of this series focuses on The Word as the foundation of our faith.

Week 1: The Word

Week 2 of our Fall Super-Series builds upon the foundation that absolute truth is established through Scripture. The revelation that “all have sinned” and are in need of a savior is evident. Unless one is born again, they cannot enter the Kingdom of God. Dive into who Jesus is and how much his sacrifice means for us! 

Week 2: Salvation


After salvation, it’s important to follow Jesus in Baptism. Jesus was baptized as an example for us. Salvation provides the remission of sin. Water baptism is a public testimony of what Christ did for us, representing the death to sin and being reborn into eternal life. 

Week 3: Water Baptism


As part of the trinity, the Holy Spirit is an active part of our foundational belief in the Word of God. All four gospels mention a baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire. The entire book of Acts revolves around the Holy Spirt as part of the triune of God and as essential to our walk with Christ!

Week 4: Holy Spirit


In the Old Testament, God inhabited the Temple in Jerusalem. We are now under the new covenant, where the Holy Spirit lives inside of each of us. When we receive Jesus as our savior, our physical bodies now become the Temple that hosts the Holy Spirit! Are you honoring God with your temple?

Week 5: The Temple


Like our Heavenly Father, we are triune beings made of Spirit, Soul and Body. Part of honoring God with our Temple is to use the time, talents and treasures we have been given, effectively and for God’s purposes.

Week 6: Time, Talents & Treasures

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